Something amazing came my way about 4 1/2 years ago. It was a viola played by my great uncle Rudy, a virtuoso violinist. Being a musician and composer, I realized that I needed to learn to play it. His gift has transformed my life. Music, being a joyless experience in my teenage years because of pressures from teachers and my parents to succeed, has now become a joyful one. I am composing more than ever, delving into writing different styles of music, feeling empowered, energized and free and thoroughly enjoying my viola.

Although I began lessons at the age of 66, I have reflected on what this turn of events has done for me and what it can do for others. It doesn’t matter what age we are. It is never too late to find fulfillment in something we love to do. It is a gift we must treasure and engage with. It is in essence, our second chance.